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CG | BCMR | Other Cases | 2011-213
Original file (2011-213.pdf) Auto-classification: Denied





Application for the Correction of 
the Coast Guard Record of: 
                                                                                BCMR Docket No.  2011-213 


This proceeding was conducted according to the provisions of section 1552 of title 10 and 
section  425  of  title  14  of  the  United  States  Code.    The  Chair  docketed  the  application  upon 
receipt of the applicant’s completed application on July 16, 2011, and subsequently prepared the 
final decision as required by 33 CFR § 52.61(c). 
appointed members who were designated to serve as the Board in this case. 

This  final  decision,  dated  April  19,  2012,  is  approved  and  signed  by  the  three  duly 


 The  applicant  asked  the  Board  to  correct  her  record  by  removing  an  administrative 
remarks page (page7) dated May 6, 2010, that documented her non-compliance with the  Coast 
Guard’s weight standards and her placement on weight probation.  The page 7 also directed her 
to lose all excess weight by October 20, 2010.  The applicant also requested the removal of the 
following related page 7s: 

  The page 7 dated May 20, 2010 listing several goals the command expected her to meet 

during the weight probationary period. 




  The page 7 dated June 18, 2010, requiring her to document weekly weigh-ins. 

  The  page  7  dated  October  20,  2010,  documenting  her  successful  completion  of  her 

weight probationary period.   

Last,  the  applicant  asked  that  the  mark  of  3  she  received  in  “health  and  well-being”  on 
her enlisted performance review (EER) for the period ending September 30, 2010 be raised to 4.   
With regard to the May 6, 2010 page 7, the applicant alleged that her command violated 
the Coast Guard Weight and Body Fat Standards Program Manual (Weight Program Manual) by 
placing  her on weight  probation before a medical  official  had determined  that she could  safely 



lose weight and/or participate in physical fitness activities.  She was medically cleared for weight 
loss on May 13, 2010.  In this regard, she stated that Article 3.2.1 of the Weigh Program Manual 
states “A probationary weight  loss period shall not  commence until  the member has completed 
their  medical  referral  and  it  has  been  determined  that  they  can  safely  lose  weight  and/or 
participate in fitness activities.” 
With  regard  to  the  May  20,  2010  and  June  18,  2010  page  7s,  the  applicant  argued  that 
they should be removed because they are related to the improperly prepared May 6, 2010 page 7 
and because they were not prepared in  compliance with  the Personnel  and Pay  and Procedures 
Manual.  In this regard, she argued that although ”performance and discipline” was stated as the 
reason  for  issuance  of  the  page  7s,  neither  page  7  commended  nor  disciplined  her  for  any  act.  
Instead the page 7s provided her with the command’s “list of expectations that she was expected 
to meet while on probation.”  She alleged that neither page 7 was signed by the CO as required 
by the Personnel and Pay and Procedures Manual.   
In  conclusion,  the  applicant  argued  that  her  record  should  be  cleared  of  all  evidence 
documenting  that  she  was  placed  on  weight  probation  from  May  6,  2010  to  October  20,  2010 
because  the  page  7s  were  not  prepared  in  accordance  with  the Weight  Program  Manual  and/or 
the  Personnel  and  Pay  Procedures  Manual.  She  argued  that  if  the  weight  probationary  period 
documentation is removed from her record, the mark of 3 in health and well-being on her EER 
for the period ending September 30, 2010 should also be removed.   


On October 28, 2011, the Judge Advocate General (JAG) of the Coast Guard submitted 
an  advisory  opinion  recommending  that  the  Board  grant  partial  relief  in  accordance  with  a 
memorandum submitted by the Commander, Personnel Service Center (PSC).   
PSC  did  not  recommend  the  removal  of  the  May  6,  2010  page  7  that  documented  the 
applicant non-compliance with the Coast Guard’s weight standards and her placement on weight 
probation.  Instead, PSC recommended that the May 6, 2010 date be corrected to May 13, 2010, 
the  date  the  applicant  was  medically  cleared  for  weight  loss.    In  this  regard,  PSC  stated  that 
Article 3.2.1 of the Weight Program Manual requires that a member who exceeds their maximum 
allowable weight be placed on weight probation, but the probationary period cannot commence 
until  the  member  has  been  cleared  by  a  medical  official  that  the  weight  can  be  lost  in  a  safe 
With regard to the May 20, 2010 and June 18, 2010 page 7s, PSC recommended that they 
be  removed  from  the  applicant’s  record.  PSC  stated  that  the Weight  Program  Manual  does  not 
specifically  prohibit  units  from  documenting  expectations  or  progress  during  weight 
probationary  periods.    However,  in  this  case,  “it  was  disclosed  to  [PSC]  that  the  applicant’s 
command  did  not  follow  this  practice  for  any  other  member  of  the  command  regarding  their 
weight  probationary  periods.   Therefore,  PSC  recommended  removal  the  May  20  and  June  18, 
2010 page 7s.   



PSC stated that the page 7 dated October 20, 2010 documenting the applicant’s successful 
completion  of  weight  probation  should  not  be  removed  from  her  military  record  because  it  is 
required by the Weight  Program Manual.  Nor did PSC recommend removing the mark of 3 in 
Health  and  Well  Being  on  the  applicant’s  September  30,  2010  EER.    PSC  stated  that  the 
applicant  has  not  provided  any  evidence  to  show  this  mark  is  inaccurate  for  the  period  in 


applicant for a response.  The Board did not receive a reply from the applicant.   

On  November  2,  2011,  the  Board  sent  a  copy  of  the  views  of  the  Coast  Guard  to  the 




The Board makes the following findings and conclusions on the basis of the applicant's 

1.  The Board has jurisdiction concerning this matter pursuant to section 1552 of title 10 

military record and submissions, the Coast Guard's submission and applicable law: 
of the United States Code.   The application was timely. 
2.    The  May  6,  2010  page  7  was  signed  by  the  CO  and  documented  the  applicant’s 
noncompliance with the Coast Guard’s weight standards. The page 7 also noted that the applicant 
was  placed  on  weight  probation  and  ordered  to  comply  with  weight  standards  by  October  20, 
2010.  The page 7 was prepared before medical personnel verified that the applicant could safely 
lose  the  weight  and/or  participate  in  physical  activities.    Article  3.2.1  of  the  Weight  Program 
Manual  states  “A  probationary  weight  loss  period  shall  not  commence  until  the  member  has 
completed  their  medical  referral  and  it  has  been  determined  that  they  can  safely  lose  weight 
and/or participate in fitness activities.”  The applicant was cleared by medical personnel on May 
13, 2010.  The page 7  documenting her non-compliance with  weight  standards  and placing her 
on weight probation should have been dated May 13, 2010.  The Coast Guard has acknowledged 
the error and recommended that the date on the page 7 be corrected from May 6, 2010 to May 
13,  2010.    The  Board  agrees  with  this  recommendation.  The  Coast  Guard  committed  an 
administrative error by preparing the page 7 before medical personnel verified that the applicant 
could safely lose the weight. However, it is not in dispute that the applicant was non-compliant 
with  weight  standards  and  that  the  regulation  required  her  command  to  place  her  on  weight 
probation.  Therefore,  the  Board  will  direct  the  Coast  Guard  to  correct  the  date  on  the  May  6, 
2010 page 7 to May 13, 2010.   
3.  The Board also agrees with the JAG that the page 7s dated May 20, 2010 and June 18 
2010  should  be  removed  from  the  applicant’s  record.    In  this  regard,  the  Board  notes  that 
although the Weight Program Manual does not prohibit such page 7s, the applicant’s command 
did  not  prepare  similar  page  7s  for  any  other  members  of  the  command  who  were  placed  on 
weight  probation.    Nor  is  there  an  explanation  for  why  the  applicant  was  treated  differently.  
Accordingly, the Board finds that the May 20, 2010 and June 18, 2010 page 7s are unjust under 
the circumstances and should be removed.  The Board reaches no decision on whether it was an 



error  for  the  applicant’s  department  head  to  sign  the  page  7s,  since  both  the  Coast  Guard  and 
Board find they should be removed on other grounds.   
4.    The  page  7  dated  October  20,  2010,  documenting  the  applicant’s  successful 
completion of weight probation and her compliance with the Coast Guard’s weight requirements 
is  properly  in  her  record.   Article  3.2.12  of  the Weight  Program  Manual  requires  that  a  page  7 
shall  be  prepared  by  a  member’s  command  upon  the  completion  of  the  weight  probationary 
period. This page 7 is signed by the CO. 
5.  The applicant has presented no evidence that the mark of 3 in health and well-being on 
her EER for the period ending September 30, 2010 is erroneous.  The Board notes that for this 
reporting period the applicant was, in fact, in violation of the Coast Guard’s weight requirements.  
Therefore, the mark of 3 should not be removed from the EER. 

6.  Accordingly, the applicant should be granted the partial relief discussed above. 













The  application  of  XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX,  for  correction  of  her  military 

record is granted in part, as follows:   



  The  date  on  the  May  6,  2010  page  7  regarding  the  applicant’s  non-compliance 

with the Coast Guard’s weight requirement shall be corrected to May 13, 2010. 

  The  related  page  7s  dated  May  20,  2010  and  June  18,  2010  that  reference  the 
applicant’s non-compliance with the Coast Guard’s weight requirement on May 6, 
2010 shall be removed from her record.   

No other relief is granted.   



















 Anthony C. DeFelice 



 Megan Gemunder 



 Patrick B. Kernan 














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